Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Days of Thankfulness

Ahh, it's been forever since I've posted anything that I'm thankful for, so I'm super sorry for that! To make up for this, I'm not going to write a super long post, but I'll say a few more things I'm thankful for.

  • I'm thankful for my church. Yes, sometimes the people get on my nerves, but God is doing some amazing things in our church and I'm so thankful to be a part of it.

  • I'm thankful for the ability to go to school and continue my education. It's a lot of work and sometimes I wish I could have a break, but I absolutely love my school and the professors, and my friends, and...well, there are just so many amazing things about it! :)

  • I am super grateful for God's blessings on my life. I don't deserve any of it, but God has not only given me everything I need, but he's given me so much more! Thank You, Jesus!

  • I am thankful for every moment of every second that I get to live. Life will never be perfect, and there will be ups and downs, but it's always going to be an exciting adventure where you never know what's coming next. I can't wait for the day I get to look back and see how God wove all the intricate pieces of my life together to make something beautiful.


  • I'm thankful for YOU!!  That's right, you! I am so grateful for every person that takes the time to read my posts and visit this blog. You all are awesome and I love you! :)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 6

It's the 6th of November, which means it's time to say yet another thing I'm thankful for!

Day 6: I'm thankful for peace. Sometimes it feels like everything in your life if falling apart around you and it seems like everything is so chaotic, but I am thankful that God has given me peace even in the worst of circumstances.

Have an awesome day, guys!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Days 4 and 5

Hi everyone! Sorry I missed I said, since I'm in college, my life is super busy right now.  But anyways, here are some more things I'm thankful for!

Day 4: I'm thankful for my support system, whether it's my family, friends, etc. I know I have not been the easiest person to deal with lately, and I've been going through a lot. But you guys have been amazing and have given me a shoulder to cry on and have really encouraged me, and I thank God for you every day!

Day 5: I'm thankful for professors that care. When I was preparing to come to college, everyone told me to prepare for professors that don't really care about you and that are more so interested in their career than their students. However, I have found that is not the case at my school. The professors are not only super nice, but I can tell that they care and they go above and beyond their normal duties just to help us succeed.

So there you go! Look for another post tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 3 of Thankfulness

Hi everyone! Today is the third of November, which means it's time to say something else I'm thankful for. 

Day 3: I'm thankful for my health! I haven't been feeling super great lately, but I know that I'm still healthy and thank Jesus for it!

P.S. Feel free to comment with what you're feeling thankful for today! :)

Monday, November 2, 2015

Thanksgiving: Days 1 and 2

As many of you are probably aware, this month is Thanksgiving!  So, in order to begin the celebration, I am going to attempt and post something I'm thankful for every day in November leading up to Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, since I'm a college student and super busy, that may not happen all the time, but I will do my best!!

Day 1: I am extremely thankful for Jesus.  He is my rock and my salvation, and He has been a major source of strength lately during all of the stress and situations that I've been going through.

Day 2: I am thankful for my family.  They can be absolutely, positively crazy sometimes, but when it comes down to it, there's no other family in the world I would rather have.

Monday, October 26, 2015

When Life Knocks You Down, Get Back Up

So, the past two weeks have been rough.  I mean, really rough.  I was mistreated and betrayed by people that I trusted completely, and it left me disillusioned, hurt, and, quite frankly, a little bit depressed.  Not to mention a tad hopeless about my situation.

I wanted to give up so bad.  Almost everything inside of me was ready to throw in the towel and run in the other direction, to just lie down and never get back up.  It was BAD.  If you don't believe me, you can ask my mom, who sat with me in the car encouraging me while I told her it felt like I was having an emotional breakdown.

So, I prayed about it (which is always the first place we should go, and not the last, as I keep learning time and time again).  And I felt a little bit of light flood my eyes and give me a different perspective on my situation.

You see, the enemy will try to get us to believe these things about our situation.  He'll try to tell us that it's hopeless and that we should just give up and run in the complete opposite direction.  He say that if we lie down and take everything that's coming to us, that maybe, just maybe the pain will lessen a little bit.

But that's not what God wants for us.  Sometimes God will take us through the valleys and the deserts before we arrive at the mountaintops.  It's not always going to be easy to serve God, especially when we feel like people have betrayed us and maybe, even that God Himself has betrayed us.  Just look at Jesus' life.  He suffered a ton of hurt and betrayal throughout His life, especially in the events leading up to His crucifixion, even so that one of His closest friends handed Jesus over to be crucified.  And while He was suffering on the cross, Jesus cried out "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

As we can see there, it's perfectly natural to feel betrayed and hurt, and to be tempted to give up.  But that doesn't mean that we should.  1 Peter 4:13 says, "But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."

There is HOPE.  There is hope in our situations, and we will move past that seemingly overwhelming pain and the feelings of betrayal onto an "exceeding joy".

So, if you're like me and you've been (or even are) tempted to give up and throw in the towel, then I advise you to GET UP.  Yeah, we might have taken quite the blow and we may have fallen to the ground, but that doesn't mean we'll stay there forever.  Tomorrow will be better, and we WILL get over this.  If we just keep on marching forward and we don't stop for anything, God will eventually bring us to the mountain and we'll be able to look back and see how He was with us, guiding us the entire time we were walking through the valley.

Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.--Micah 7:8

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Ouch...How do I respond to THAT?

Ouch. Did they really just do that to me?

Have you ever asked yourself that?  These were my exact thoughts as I sat across from him, my head leaning against the wall partially in weariness from the long day and partially from the hurt and anger that threatened to rise up and strangle me.

Now, I'm not going to name any names.  This post is about forgiveness, so hopefully it's obvious I'm not out for revenge by telling the world the awful wrong that "that person" has done to me.  But I do feel inclined to give you some background info before I go any further.

I liked this guy.  And he liked me.  So, you can imagine my elation when he said he wanted to go out with me (we call it dating at my house, but our form of "dating" is more commonly known as "courting").  For the space of about two weeks, everything was going fantastically.  We weren't officially courting yet, but we were hanging out and headed in that direction.  Everything was great.

And then things started happening.  

The person we went to for advice and permission told us to wait a few months.  We both agreed but were a little disappointed and I think that slowed us down a little bit.  Then, a situation that wasn't in either of our controls happened, and it drove us apart for the space of about a few weeks.  But I still cared about him and I prayed for him daily, and that the situation he was going through would get easier and God would help him through this.  Eventually, we made up and we were finally talking again, even texting each other on a daily basis.  This made me extremely happy, and I was convinced that if we had made it past that, we could make it past any other obstacle that came our way.

Then, the week of my college orientation came, which left me confused and upset (not to mention exhausted, because, as I've learned the past 5 weeks...there is no sleep in college!!).  I had just talked to him the night before orientation started and everything was completely normal.  But I noticed he didn't text me the Thursday orientation started.

He probably just thought I was in orientation all day and didn't want to bother me, I thought.

But then he ignored me the next time I saw him, and when I approached him to ask if he was mad at me, he said no.  But then he kept ignoring me, every time I saw him.  And he wouldn't text me.  I was confused and upset but forced to move on, especially with college starting and my life radically changing because of it.  He ignored me for over a month before we finally acknowledged each other again.

Which is what leads me to the biggest event that this post is about.

We were all sitting at a small birthday party after church that a few of us had went to.  My mom, sister, and I had decided to go, and we were talking to him in a normal manner.  Now, at this point, I had decided moving on was best, but I was trying to be nice to him because I knew that's what God wanted me to do.  And then he said something out of the clear blue that felt like a kick to the ribs.

Someone else: So you like (name of other girl)
Him [Raises his hand]: I do.

Wait, what?  The conversation continued until my mom finally sat up from the couch and loudly exclaimed "Well, I already told Hannah she's not dating any of the boys at Liberty" (if you know my mom, you know that she doesn't let anyone mess with her kids, and I love that about her).  Me, however?  I felt like a piece of trash that he had thought so little of he didn't even care that he'd hurt my feelings.  And it wasn't necessarily that he liked another girl, because I'd moved on by that point as well, but it was simply the fact that he'd thought so little of our relationship and my feelings that he didn't care it had only been a month since he'd stopped talking to me...he'd proudly proclaimed in front of me that he liked someone else already.

So, how's a girl supposed to respond to THAT?

Initially, our response is to get back at that person.  For many girls, it would be proudly parading around their relationship with another guy or treating the one that hurt them with contempt and hatred.

But as Christians, we're supposed to take a different approach, one that's a million times harder than what the secular world oftentimes does.  We are supposed to FORGIVE those that hurt us.  And even more importantly, we are supposed to LOVE them.

In Luke 23:34, it tells us that Jesus asked this concerning those that were crucifying Him.  "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

When we think about the context of this scripture, we come to realize that Jesus didn't let their actions affect how He treated them or viewed them.  He asked that they would be forgiven of their sins while they were crucifying Him!  And not only that, but Jesus was dying for THEIR sins as he asked that they would be forgiven.  He loved them so much, those that had laid a crown of thorns on His head, whipped him 39 times with a belt that scarred His back and left open wounds, and then nailed His hands and feet to a cross, that He died for them.

Did you get that?  He DIED for them.

So, how much more are we supposed to forgive those that hurt us.  No, it doesn't make what they did any less hurtful, and it doesn't mean that we have to restore that relationship to its former "glory".  But it does mean that we have to move on, and treat them as though nothing had ever happened (by that, I mean we can't be hateful towards them, not that we should make the relationship with that person the way it was before).  It means we have to continue to love them and pray for them, even when it feels like our hearts are breaking inside our chests.

The point in these enormously long post of mine?  Forgive everyone that hurt you.  Everyone.  No, it's not going to be easy, and no, they probably won't ever apologize, but that's okay.  You will be free from any bitterness and hatred that would try to imprison you, and God will forgive you of your own wrongdoings when you forgive others.

Talk to you soon, everyone!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Muy Importante Anuncio!! (Very Important Announcement!!)

So, the past few days, I have seen and heard more bad news than I have in several months.  On account of this, I have been praying especially hard for our country as well as some specific people that are very close to my heart and are going through an awful time.

The truth is, in all of this bad news, such as with the case with Baltimore, I have realized that people don't value life anymore.  They don't value their own lives, and they most certainly don't value the lives of others.  I believe this is because they lack one basic truth:  YOU MATTER.

You matter.  That's a truth that so many of us forget as we go throughout our lives.  It's why so many people commit suicide and why others don't even flinch when harming or even killing other people.  As a society, we have forgotten that each life is important.  We have forgotten that simple, but true concept of "I am important."

I don't think we can really understand how much we matter until we turn our eyes to the cross.  You see, the God of the universe, the One who made the sun, moon, stars, even the very air you are breathing in right this very moment, came to die for YOU.  He didn't have to do that.  There are a million other ways He could have saved us.  I mean, think about it.  Why on earth would the Ruler of everything step down from His throne to save a bunch of sinful, awful human beings when He could have just sent an angel or two to do it for Him?  It's because you MATTER.

Don't ever let anybody tell you differently.  You are so, so worth every moment that Christ spent on that cross.  Every painful, agonizing moment of pain and humiliation.  If you weren't, He would have never come down to save you.

Believe it.  Cast out every thought and mindset that would try to make you believe that you aren't important.  Because that is the biggest lie you will ever hear in your entire life.

So what is my important announcement?  YOU MATTER!!  You are beautiful.  You are loved, no matter your circumstances and in spite of your faults and mistakes.  You are amazing.  And there is Someone who cares about you,  who thinks about you every second of every day.  Don't ever forget that.

"For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son..."--John 3:16 (KJV)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Short Story: Like Pieces of Glass

     “What should I wear?”  I knew that I should feel less concerned about my appearance than with my conversation with Alec.  There were many things that still needed to be resolved between us.  Yet, I couldn’t help but dressing up in my nicest dark denim skirt and turquoise tunic and fixing my hair in a neat French braid.
     There was still a good half hour before he was supposed to be here, so I decided to straighten the downstairs.  Alec had never been inside this house before and I couldn’t let him see the pile of beer cans that my mother had left in the kitchen.  Or inhale the stench they left, for that matter.  Luckily, in the front closet, there was a half-full can of air freshener.  I covered the house in the smell until not a trace of the alcohol odor was detectable.  Replacing it on the shelf, my head turned slightly to see that James’ car was in the driveway.  I opened up the door and peeked outside.
     “That’s weird,” I thought.  James, my mother’s boyfriend, wasn’t anywhere in sight, yet his car was in the driveway.  I checked in the kitchen.  Nothing.  Next, I went into the living room.  Nada.  Finally, I decided he was probably in mom’s bedroom, where he spent most of his time, even when mom wasn’t home.  Of course, now I wondered what he found so interesting in that room when she wasn’t there.  After all, mom didn’t have a TV in her room and James wasn’t into reading.  Surely, he wasn’t sleeping all that time, was he?
     There was only one thing to do: find out why he spent so much time in that room.  My feet crept quietly up the stairs, careful not to spook him.  I just had to know what he found so interesting.  As my hand silently turned the knob, I nearly threw the door open in anticipation.  “Whoops,” I whispered as I slipped in only to realize James wasn’t in there.  “Where on earth could he be?”
     Walking around carefully as to leave my presence untraceable, I searched the room, looking for something, anything to solve the mystery of James’ absence.  As I neared the closet, a stream of light from the floor caught my eye.  I remembered the door between here and Charity’s room.  Without thinking, I crawled through the open door and tumbled into Charity’s closet.
     “Do we really have to do this again?  We just did it two days ago.”  I heard the small, timid voice of my baby sister.
     “Yes, I already told you that.  If you don’t do exactly as I tell you, I’m going to tell everyone what a filthy little slut you are.  Now, take off your clothes.”  He said, scrutinizing her careful movements.
     It suddenly all made sense.  James spending the majority of his time at our house, “napping” in our mother’s bedroom.  Charity’s withdrawn and abnormal behavior.  Her reluctance to let me even come into her bedroom.   All this time I thought she was just upset about our parents’ divorce.  Obviously I was wrong.
     Untamed fury overtook me.  I marched up to the creep and found a baseball bat from Charity’s closet in my hands.  I struck him once on the back and felt a small release of my anger.  Suddenly, the anger that had collected since my parents’ divorce rose to the surface.  All the hurt and the pain seemed to dull with each blow.  “Don’t you ever do that to my sister again!”  The bat hit him in the leg twice, then on the arm and I continued to strike him as hard as I could.
      “You’re hurting me,” he shouted as he cowered on the carpet floor.  Blood began appearing in random places on his body.
     “I don’t care,” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
     “Faith, you’re going to kill him,” Charity’s eyes met with mine for a brief moment, but I continued to hit him.
     The door slammed open.  “What is going on in here?”  I heard a familiar voice say, but I didn’t look up.  Before I could realize what was happening, I felt a man’s arms around my waist, pulling me away from James.
     “Let me go!” I flailed and tried to escape the firm grip.
     “Stop it, Faith.  You’re going to kill him if you don’t.”  Alec’s firm, nonstuttering voice was enough to stop me in my tracks.
     “You don’t understand, Alec.  He hurt Charity.  This creep has been raping my baby sister.  He doesn’t deserve to live!”  I meant it with all my heart, yet the fierce anger in my heart was enough to even scare me.
     “I know, but you’ll only hurt yourself by doing this.”  His hard grip on me loosened as the bat fell to the floor.  Carefully, examining the now unconscious body of my mother’s boyfriend, I realized that blood covered his arms and legs.  Alec had probably just saved me from committing a murder I would regret later in life.
     “I’ll call an ambulance,” Alec exited the room, leaving me alone with my sister.
     Guilt and shame quickly replaced the anger.  All these months, I just thought my sister was upset about our parents’ divorce.  I’d been so wrapped up in myself that I never knew she was secretly being raped by my mother’s creep of a boyfriend.  Nearly running to her side, I wrapped my arms tightly around her and sobbed.  “Charity, I’m sorry.  Sissy, I’m so sorry I let this happen to you.”
     My shirt quickly became wet with the mingled tears of mine and my sister’s.  “That’s okay, Faith.  It’s my fault for not telling you.”
     I pulled away from her slightly so as to look her in the eyes.  “No, this was not your fault at all.  I want you to understand that.  Nothing that James did to you is your fault, you understand?”  She gave a partial nod and I embraced her once again.  We were still like this when the paramedics barged in.  They asked us to exit the room and I gladly followed their orders.  It was becoming difficult to look and the unconscious man in my sister’s room without feeling like crying over my sister.
     Alec and a middle-aged police officer with a slightly protruding belly were standing downstairs in the living room.  Apprehension threatened to overwhelm me as I thoughts about the possible consequences of my actions.  Would I go to jail?  Would they put me on probation?  What if I could never leave the house again?  Thoughts began to race along with my heart.
     “Hello, Miss Johnson.  Alec here was just explaining the situation to me.  Right now we’ll take your sister to the hospital to get examined, but afterwards we’ll need you both to come down to the station and answer some questions, okay?”  He smiled and patted my shoulder as if to reassure me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I would soon be suffering the consequences of my unchecked anger.

© 2015 Hannah Rollett

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Viewpoints from the Opposite Sex

I recently attended a youth conference at Calvary Tabernacle in Indianapolis.  While we were there, the preacher said something that really stuck with me.  He said "Apostolic girls get discouraged when Apostolic boys flirt with girls outside of the church."  I know from experience that this is true.  When Christian guys start flirting with girls that don't love God and dress immodestly, it makes us feel as though we need to act the same way to get a guy's attention.  What I never thought about before was if guys feel the same way when we flirt with others who don't love the truth and are living ungodly lives.

This whole thing got me do guys view godly girls?  And what do the majority of girls think about godly guys?  So I decided to search it out for myself.  Now I want to share my findings with you.

Now, obviously I have the perspective of the female covered.  I'm a female myself, not to mention I am surrounded by them constantly through my home, work, and even my church.  So I think I speak for many of us godly girls when I write this.

When I see a guy worshiping with passion and I can tell he loves God immensely, there's something inside of me that feels a hundred times more attracted to him.  It has nothing to do with how he's dressed, how his hair looks, or whether he's tall and muscular.  No, it is super attractive when a guy can come into God's presence with confidence and doesn't worry about what others think of him, but is more concerned about what God thinks about him.

So, in case you're wondering, guys, godly girls will not be so much concerned with how you look (although I wouldn't recommend looking like a complete slob because that does throw off the attraction a bit) as they will be with your heart for Jesus.  Don't worry about looking "cool" during service because the right kind of girl will love you for your confidence in being yourself when you worship God.

Okay, so now for the interesting part (mainly because I'm guessing the majority of readers on this blog are female).  To get the male perspective, I had to ask one of my guy friends, Kris Grepke, who, in my opinion, is one of the godliest teenage guys I've ever met.  If I'm being honest, his response kind of shocked me.

"It is more than just her dressing, and having a relationship with God. It's about her knowing that God made her beautiful, it's about her knowing that she doesn't need make up, or need to show off her body..." He continued on to say that he believes confidence and happiness with yourself can only come from a relationship with God. When girls do not have a relationship with God, they do not have confidence in themselves so they dress immodestly and try to make themselves up to get attention so they can feel good about themselves. But a godly guy does not want that.

A godly guy will love you for who you are in Christ.  Girls, you don't need to deck yourself to be beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex.  As shown by my friend's response, a godly guy would rather have someone who has a relationship with God and, because of that relationship, is confident in her identity.

I don't really have an ending for this, so I'll just close the post out with a quote...
"But when God is there it is obvious, because He grants and blesses us with confidence in ourselves. And that's a beautiful thing." --Kristopher Grepke