"Princess Cut" follows the story of Grace Anderson, a small-town farm girl who dreams of finding true love one day. The story begins with Grace having her heart broken as the guy she has been long-distance "dating" for a while announces his engagement to someone else. She finds solace in Jared, a handsome barista who takes Grace faster and farther than she would like. At the same time, Dr. Clint Masters moves into the house next to the Anderson family farm. After feeling that something about her and Jared's relationship is wrong, Grace decides to pursue a relationship with God instead of guys. But just when God seems to finally be putting her love story together, things begin to fall apart at the seems. Will she ever find love or ruin her chances at happiness forever?
I absolutely loved "Princess Cut". It's a little cheesy, as many Christian movies are, but I thought it was extremely cute and, as a single woman who has experienced a lot of what Grace went through in the movie, I can definitely relate. I loved that they showed the spiritual aspect of the relationship and how much praying and guidance should be sought before pursuing a relationship with someone, instead of just showing sparks flying and fast-moving romance. Quite frankly, I would recommend this for anyone, whether you're looking for a cute date night movie, a girls night in, or even a young adult retreat. However, I think this is a must-see for any Christian will definitely get you thinking about the way you've been pursuing relationships!
NOTE: This post was not endorsed by any companies or the makers of the movie itself. It is 100% my opinion and was written because I really liked the movie. If you would like more information on it, you can follow the link below to view it on IMDB. :)