Thursday, December 22, 2016

Self-Worth: Make it a Movement

You are more than your grades.

You are more than a number on a scale.

You are more than your figure or physique.

You are more than the people that surround you.

You are more than your present circumstances.

You are more than your annual income or your material possessions.

You are more than your past.

You are more than your failures.

You are more than your successes.

You are more than what other people think of you.

You are more than what you think about yourself.

You are more.

Infinitely more.

And you are ALWAYS worth it.

#selfworth #makeitamovement

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Book signing and Christmas Party

Sorry the post is so late, but I thought I would share a few pictures from our book signing and Christmas party. Thanks to all who have supported our latest anthology Hodgepodge: An Anthology by the Heartland Christian Writers!! <3 

My mom and I upon arriving at the party. :)

Some of the writers as we were signing the books...such a wonderful group of people!! <3

Our book!! If you haven't had the chance yet, check it out on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other major distributors. Also, feel free to check out L2L2 Publishing...the best publishing company in the world! :) <3