Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good Luck at the Grammys

I remember a time where I could watch my favorite TV shows without having to worry about the things the television network would put in there.  Yes, there once was a time where I could watch Disney freely or see an awards show without seeing things that would scar my mind.

Everything has changed.

In case you're wondering, no, I'm not in favor of homosexuality.  That being said, I have no problem loving them, talking to them, etc.  I just don't agree with that aspect of their lives.  If you're sitting there calling me an ignorant bigot or hypocrite or some other insulting name right now, you may as well click exit...I'm not finished.

This whole Disney thing infuriated me.  Their defense is that they are trying to make it equal for children all across the United States.  Well, if that were true, we'd see shows about Christians or Amish or some other religion...but we don't.  No, the truth of the matter is that Disney is using their channel, a children's channel, to make a political statement.  Congratulations, Disney, you have officially stated that you support gay marriage...like we didn't know that already.

But this isn't where it stops.

Then, I read a post about one of my favorite singers who was criticized for leaving the Grammys early.  She never said why, never told anyone that it was because they were performing wedding ceremonies for gay couples along with straight couples.  She never said why she left.  Yet, every liberal for gay marriage who read that must have decided that the marriages were her reasoning.  So they went off on a long tangent about how she's a hater, needs to change her opinion, blah blah blah (we've heard it all before).

Oh, I'm loving their maturity on the matter.

The truth is that we are called haters for disagreeing with homosexuality.  It seems as though we have been called every name in the book because of our beliefs.  We choose to love homosexuals as we love straight people, and we are called the haters.  But liberals and other sorts of people can bash us and make fun of Christians for believing in Jesus Christ...oh, but they're stating their opinion, right?  Do you see what I mean?

Quite frankly, I don't care what you believe.  I know that I'm not going to change your opinion by doing the things that I do.  I just do those things for my sake.  What I do care about, however, is you throwing this "popular" (not really) opinion in my face, telling me I should agree with it.  Just like I may never be able to convince you to become a pro-life activist (another post for another time), you will never be able to convince me to be a gay rights activist.

So stop trying.

In conclusion, I just want to say congratulations to Disney...you have lost at least one viewer (judging by posts on FB, I'd say there's a lot more).  I might rent some of the old shows I used to watch from the library or maybe some Austin and Ally when it comes out, but as of right now, I will no longer watch your station like I used to.

Haters, say what you have to say, but just remember who the real hater is when you're calling me nasty names for my beliefs.  We'll see who seems more mature then.


  1. Hannah this is awesome..... thanks for posting it. I love your blogs.

  2. Thank you, Debbie! That means a lot! :-)
