Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Difficult Decision...College!

Okay, in case you haven't guessed it already, I'm a teenager.  In fact, I'm a high school senior right now.  A very, very stressed out high school senior.

You see, I applied to seven different universities and colleges.  At first, I was only going to apply to four and then the number grew as I was filling out applications (it doesn't help when every college offers you a "preferred student" application).  So then I ended up with seven.  After getting accepted into all seven of them, the narrowing process finally began.

Every week, I get asked twice, give or take a few times, if I know where I'm going to college.  Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate everyone taking an interest in my life, but it does kind of stress me out.  I think it's because I feel pressured to figure everything out right now and everyone is pulling me in a different direction.  I have my mom pushing me to stay close at home, my dad thinks it would be go for me to live on campus, and then there are all of the other people in my life who say what they think I should do (ironically, those people tell my parents instead of me).  Honestly, I really, really, REALLY don't want to be rude, but they make me want to scream and cry at the same time.

Then, comes the most important part.  Above all, I want to please God.  Yes, I do care what other people think, but He comes above everyone else.  So, I am learning to shut the voices out and listen to what He is trying to tell me.  This is very difficult for me, considering I'm a people pleaser (not to an extreme, but you know what I mean).

Logically, it probably be best for me to go to USI and live with my grandparents and only pay a few thousand per year.  But I'm not sure if that God's will for me and quite frankly, I'm not sure that it's His will for me to stay at home, where I would live comfortably at my home and never have to venture out of my comfort zone.  I went to visit a college today, which is a little over an hour from home.  While it is expensive and I would have to live on campus in a town where I don't know anyone, I did feel at home there.  In fact, it was my absolute favorite out of all of the colleges I've visited, despite the price.  Unfortunately, I will probably get a lot of resistance from some people if I choose to go there.

Why am I telling you all of this?  I honestly don't know...maybe just to vent or something.  Either way, I could really use your prayers as this is a very, very difficult decision to make!

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