Monday, January 30, 2017

Obviously, it's the Republicans' fault. No, wait, it's the Democrats'.

I saw a Facebook post the other day that irritated me enormously. It read: "Syrian refugees can pretend to be Christians. Republicans do it all the time."

Here we go again.

Why is it that every time some sort of ill-favored law is executed, or rioting occurs, or a tragedy strikes that we immediately blame the other side? The ENTIRE side.

We forget that Republicans or Democrats are not a collective group of people, Each person has their own beliefs, standards, values, etc. Although their beliefs may align more closely with one particular political group, that does not mean their political party defines who they are.

Furthermore, why do we think that it's efficient and productive to point fingers at the other side. I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Independent, STOP POINTING FINGERS. It literally solves nothing.

As I so bluntly pointed out to the friend that shared that insulting picture on Facebook, it serves absolutely no purpose other than to offend the other side. He wasn't helping the Syrian refugees, nor was he trying to bridge the division within our country on the issue by posting that. I say this not to insult him at all, but rather I say it because I think it speaks to our mindset in the United States.

You see, we are always so quick to blame the other side for our problems. It's the Republicans' fault for banning refuge for the Syrian refugees, it's the Democrats fault that Planned Parenthood has become such a powerful corporation (another topic for another time), etc., etc. But we never actually SOLVE THE PROBLEM.

We point fingers and hurl insults at those who share different beliefs than us. We demand respect for what we believe in, but don't know how to give it in the first place. We insist that our government fix the problems in our society, but refuse to pray that God gives them the wisdom to do it, and we refuse to do anything about it ourselves.

Here's the truth, everyone.

STOP POINTING FINGERS. Stop insulting each other on Facebook and believing that you're making a different in the world by sharing some nasty political post. Instead, START DOING SOMETHING. Volunteer, donate money, respectfully appeal to our government and never stop fighting for what you believe in, or do whatever you can do to help. But DO NOT sit here and put the blame on anyone else.

One last thing: Choose to work together. Open your eyes to the similarities in what we believe, not the differences. We can make a difference, everyone, but we can't do it if we're facing the other side, fists raised. Only when we choose to stand together, unified, for the good of the people, can we ever make this country (and dare I say it, maybe even the world) a better place.

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