Sunday, July 20, 2014

Who God is to Me

Lately, I have been feeling overwhelmed by God's goodness and mercy.  So, I thought I would make a quick post about who God is to me.

God is my...

Healer, because He's healed all of my illnesses, no matter how bad they were or how horrible I felt

Deliverer, because He delivered me from addictions, depression, a bad self-image...this list could go on and on

Savior, because He died on the cross to save me from myself and my sins; He could have sent anyone else, but He came Himself

Peace, because His Spirit floods my mind, heart and soul when I feel panicked and everything is out of control

Joy, because He restored it when I was so depressed that I couldn't even smile

Provider, because He always makes sure I have what I need (and not just what I think I need)

Best Friend, because He was there for me when no one else was

Everything, because, even though there are billions of people in this world, He cares specifically about me and loves me for who I am

Now you know who God is to me.  Who is He to you?