Thursday, August 11, 2016

If all things work together for my good, then why is this happening?

I saw a memory on Facebook yesterday from a year ago. It had some encouraging words, along with Romans 8:28 on it.

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

But I didn't fully understand the meaning of those words until the year that followed that post. What I didn't realize was, the heartbreak I thought I was facing then would be minimal compared to what was coming. In the few months that followed, I was dealing with a betrayal that made no sense to me and a heart that was shattered into a million pieces.

At first I told myself to trust God, that everything would be okay in the end. But life kept coming at me and every time I managed to get back up, it seemed as though life took a baseball bat and knocked me back down again. Eventually, I lost faith that God had a plan for my life at all.

How on earth could this situation work out for my good?

I started doing my own thing, not even caring that maybe, just maybe, there was something better out there for me. Depression and anxiety kicked in, and finally I found myself at the bottom of a pit I didn't know how to get out of.

This is where He found me.

It was in the middle of the chaos that I finally came back to God. I gave up trying to figure out what the point of this heartbreak was and it put in the hands of Jesus. Even though it still hurt, I decided to hold on tight and trust that He would see me through to the other side.

My confidence may have taken a major hit, but I'm more confident than I've ever been in my life. I'm more willing to take chances and put myself out there. I don't try to hide inside a shell anymore.

I LOVE people. Yes, I admit that we all have our problems and sometimes people are going to be just plain mean, but that will never stop me from loving them the way I'm supposed to. I love meeting new people, and I'm more open to friendships with people of different backgrounds, beliefs, etc.

When there's someone hurting, I try to help. I want to take an interest in people and listen if they're hurting. I've come to realize that life is not all about me (although I still struggle with that sometimes).

Above all, I know with a certainty that God ALWAYS works everything out for our good. I'm glad that I went through all the heartache and the pain. Because of that, I'm stronger and closer to God than ever.

So, if you're in a similar situation, and you don't know how God could ever work it out in your favor, just put it in His hands. Stop worrying about it, and allow Him to carry you through the pain. Eventually, you will see that glorious light at the end, and the pieces of your heartaches will come together to form a beautiful masterpiece. <3

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